Coaching supervisors create for coaches a safe, collaborative space, to reflect on their work and explore interventions, relationships, biases, ethical issues, blind spots, and emotional challenges. Enrich your career, grow your skills, expand your offerings, and master the craft of coaching supervision earning 36 CCEUs. The certification is accredited by EMCC.

What is coaching supervision?

The European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) defines coaching supervision as:  “The interaction that occurs when a coach brings their coaching work experiences to a supervisor in order to be supported and to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the development and benefit of the coach, their clients, and their organizations.”

According to the International Coach Federation, “Coaching Supervision focuses on the development of the coach’s capacity through offering a richer and broader opportunity for support and development. Coaching supervision creates a safe environment for the coach to share their successes and failures in becoming masterful in the way they work with their clients.”

Coaching supervision differs from coaching and mentor coaching.  Coaching is designed to help clients achieve their objectives through self-awareness, goal setting, and action planning. Mentor Coaching is focused on developing the core competencies and skills required for coaching by receiving feedback from coaching sessions. Coaching supervision works on creating a safe space for the coach and supervisor to reflect on how the personal intrudes on the professional,  the systems that impact their work, and how is the coach showing up with their clients.  Coaching supervision supports the coach’s awareness, growth, and effectiveness.


Alicia Aguero, MCC, ESIA

Susie Warman, MCC, ESIA

Lily Seto,  PCC, ESIA

Nancy Tylim,  MCC, ESIA

Lynn Harrison  MCC, ESIA

Meryl Moritz, MCC, ESIA

Paul Sanbar MCC, ESIA

Eva Hirsch Pontes,   MCC, ESIA

Inga Bielinksa, MCC, ACTC, ESIA

Norma Perel, MCC, ESIA

Hilary Oliver, MCC

Eliane Fierro, MCC

Jeff Nally, PCC

Why supervision?


  • Improved client results through improving the quality and effectiveness of coaching.
  • Professional support for coach to develop coaching skills and improved coaching strategies for challenging client situations.
  • Competitive differentiation on corporate contracts to maintain and enhance coaching quality standards.
  • Continuing professional development (CPD) of the coach. Note that supervision is recognized by the ICF for core competency Continuing Coach Education (CCE) hours.

Who may benefit from coaching supervision?

  • Professional coaches in private practice.
  • Internal corporate coaches.
  • Coaches wishing to maintain a coaching credential with the EMCC.

How does supervision work?

Supervision can be done in a one-on-one setting or in groups. Coaching supervision is fundamentally a reflective process. Coaching supervisors create a confidential, safe space for coaches to explore their own thought processes and the dynamics present in client engagements. This often includes:

  • Analysis of coaching case studies to better understand options for coaching strategies to improve client outcomes.
  • Reflection on the coaches internal thought processes and assumptions.
  • Revealing blind spots.
  • Exploring ethical issues and contracting challenges.
  • Brainstorming solutions to complex and challenging client situations.
  • Appreciating and celebrating the accomplishments of the coach.
  • Providing accountability and a sounding board for ideas.

We draw upon industry-leading best practices for supervision leveraged from other helping professions including organization development, human development, systems theory, adult learning, transactional analysis, humanistic psychology, psychodynamic theory, psychological type, social psychology, and others.

We are experts in the use of the Seven-Eyed Model created by Peter Hawkins and Robin Shohet. This model examines the client-coach-supervisor system from seven different perspectives. These include: (1) the client’s context, (2) the coach’s interventions, (3) the relationship between the coach and the client, (4) the coach’s self-awareness, (5) the relationship between the coach and supervisor including parallel processes, (6) supervisor’s reactions and reflections, and (7) the wider context and system. Using the Seven-Eyed Model, the supervisor and supervisee engage in rich dialogue and reflection resulting in insights that can expose blind spots, deepen self-awareness, and open possibilities for new client interventions.

Coaching Supervision Certification Program

Objectives, Agenda, and Fees

The Coaching Supervision Certification is targeted at experienced coaches with at least 500 hours of experience and a credential (preferred, not mandatory) from a coaching association: ICF, EMCC, or AC. Participants will be trained as individual and group supervisors and by the end of the program, they will be eligible to apply for a credential with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). This training program has received the ESQA, EMCC European Supervision Quality Award and provides 36 CCE units(ICF Coaching Continue Education Units, 32 Core Competencies).

This program aligns its contents very closely to the competency model developed by EMCC and motivates graduates to apply for the EMCC Supervisory Credential as a way to strengthen the Coaching Supervision Practice Worldwide.

The total cost of the program is $8,200. It includes the course $7,000 and Individual Supervision for $1,200 (to pay directly to supervisors). The participants also need to buy three books for the program.

Core Principles and beliefs about Coaching Supervision

Coaching supervision is a reflective space and the coach supervisor should demonstrate competencies at providing a safe environment for the coaches to work on themselves for their own benefit as well as for their clients.

The program follows EMCC core competencies model and support coaching supervisors to develop skills to build a foundation for the coach/supervisor relationship, to navigate ethical dilemmas, to provide emotional support and to offer techniques, models and theories to support coach´s work.

Coaching Supervision is a partnership and the supervisor may apply their creativity to provide learning opportunities for the coach, including use of pictures, bodywork, magic box, metaphors, etc.

Coaching Supervisors may apply the 7-eyed Model of Hawkins and psychodynamic distinctions such as transference and countertransference in the work with coaches and be effective at intervening at individual as well as group level.

Program objectives and learning outcomes

The objective of the program is to train coach supervisors to provide individual and group coaching supervision, following the EMCC coaching supervision competency model.

By the end of the program participants will be able to:

  • understand the EMCC coaching supervision competency model
  • understand the difference between coaching supervision, coaching and mentor coaching.
  • effectively provide a reflective space for coaches about their practices,
  • apply the seven eye model from Hawkins in their supervisory practice
  • provide support to coaches working with strong emotions
  • offer coaches opportunities to explore personal challenges in working with specific clients
  • effectively provide guidance on ethical dilemmas to supervisees
  • offer creative tools to supervisees such as working with pictures, magic box, bodywork, etc.

The program is very interactive and experiential with an emphasis in application and reflective practice. After distinctions, models, and theories are presented, participants apply concepts in exercises and practices with their colleagues. Participants need to receive supervision as supervisees as part of the program, practice in triads with colleagues from the program and practice with supervisees outside the program.

Dr. Damian Goldvarg

Dr. Damian Goldvarg is a Master Certified Coach (MCC), a Certified Speaker Professional (CSP), an Accredited Coach Supervisor (ESIA), and the Past Global President of the International Coach Federation (2013-2014). He has twenty years of experience in leadership development training, executive assessment and coaching, talent management, facilitation, strategic planning, and team building services. Originally from Argentina, he has worked with individuals and organizations in over fifty countries, including the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia, offering services in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Through his work with multinational Fortune 100 companies, governments, and community-based organizations.

Dr. Goldvarg trains executive coaches, mentor coaches and coach supervisors worldwide. His areas of expertise include: coaching, cultural competence, emotional intelligence, communication, behavioral interviewing, and 360 feedback. He has presented his work at national and international conferences and published three books on personal development and coaching competencies. He is currently working on this fourth book on Coaching Supervision.

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Overview of the course structure and content

The program takes place over 9 months, which includes 36 weeks alternating webinars, demonstrations with guest supervisors, and triad practice.


Weekly webinars for 2.5 hours for 20 weeks present the program content. It is a requirement to participate in 75% of sessions (may miss up to 5 sessions).
Dates: Thursdays at 8:00 AM PST. Content Covered at each module:

  • Introduction of the program and participants. Coaching Supervision Definition and differences with other practices.
  • EMCC Coaching Supervision Competency Model
  • Coaching Supervision Contract
  • Seven-Eyed Model of Hawkins: demonstration
  • Developmental Stages of Learning in Supervision
  • Building the relationship between Coach and Coach Supervisor
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Coaching Supervision
  • Learning to reflect: Levels of Reflection
  • Neurosciences and supervision
  • Parallel Process, Transference, and Countertransference
  • Gestalt Techniques
  • Transactional work
  • Working with pictures
  • Working with the somatic practices
  • Working with the magic box
  • Facilitating Group Supervision
  • Facilitating Group Supervision
  • Case Presentations (3 sessions)

Participants will work with 6 monthly sessions with an experienced coach supervisor to explore your supervision practice (one hour each). A supervisor is assigned to each person. The supervisors for the program are:

  • Hilary Oliver, MCC (UK)
  • Eva Hisch Pontes, MCC, ESIA (Brazil)
  • Lily Seto, PCC, ESIA (Canada)
  • Dr. Nancy Tylim, MCC, ESIA (US)

Participants will meet monthly for 8, 2.5-hour sessions in supervision practice triads throughout the course (20 hours). Same days and hours of webinars (alternating).

The evaluation of the course consists of submitting a recording of a coaching supervision session to be assessed by a different coach supervisor along with a self-evaluation and reflection to be shared with the class (2000 words).

Reading from course book list (5 books) 22 hrs. (approx. 4 hrs. per book). The first two books need to be read before the program starts and a brief report should be submitted the Friday before the program starts.

  1. T Bachkirova, Jackson, Clutterbuck, Coaching and Mentoring Supervision, McGraw Hill, 2011.
  2. N. Kline, More Time to Think, Fisher King Publisher, 2009
  3. Hawkings, P, Turner E. Systemic Coaching, Routledge, 2020
  4. Hewson, D, Caroll, M Reflective Practice in Supervision, MoshPit, 2016

EMCC and ICF Documents on Coaching Supervision

EMCC Competencies Framework

EMCC Guidelines

ICF Guidelines

Testimonials · From recent Graduates

“Little did I know when I started on the journey of learning in the Goldvarg Group’s Coaching Supervision course, I would graduate with confidence and insight on a new way to make difference in the coaching world. Damian Goldvarg threw everything he had at the course participants, challenging us to be leaders for this relatively new profession in N. America in addition to helping us to refine our supervision skills over the course of several months. The readings were extensive and thought provoking. The small triads and our cohort group of learners were a delight. The ability to interact with and observe other thought leaders in the Coaching Supervision arena was a definite plus. Damian managed the course material and participants in a way that provided us with maximum experiential learning.  To be precise, the course was challenging, stimulating, intense and fun. I highly recommend it for any experienced coach who wants to start down the path to becoming a Coaching Supervisor.”

Mary Jo Asmus, PCC

“Highly recommended program, thoughtfully designed and guided by a committed and passionate sensie in Damian Goldvarg. The collegial atmosphere deepened the learning and has resulted in lasting friendships. If you learn through reflection-in-action, you will love this program. Ted Middelberg I highly recommend the Program for its excellence, professionalism and the contribution it has been to my work as Coach, Mentor and Supervisor. The Program provides a great learning space and the opportunity to exchange experiences between colleagues in a context of respect, professionalism and openness to feedback. The experience and impeccability of Damian Goldvarg in the program promotes a loving and caring learning”.

Alicia Aguero, MCC, Argentina

“Damian guided us through an amazing and practical process of becoming a supervisor. I especially liked the very effective and inspiring mix of different elements in this program: Lectures, Triad practice groups, webinars, readings. Damian brought in role models from all over the place, very well known and highly experienced experts in the field of Coaching Supervision. This allowed each of us to find our role models, to learn from these different experts and to finally develop our own style in an authentic way – rather than following a predefined path. Damians style is clear, straightforward and powerful. He truly enhances the professionalism in our business field. I highly recommend this program to everyone who wants to become a Coach Supervisor or who wants to reach his next level in the field of Coaching Supervision. I also highly recommend the PCC program. And my enthusiasm will make me participate in the MCC program next”.

Kerstin Laubsch, Ph.D. PCC, Germany

“I found the supervision certification program to be equivalent to having a personal trainer. It gave me the opportunity to assess my professional capacity and to identify/engage in the practices that  build on my strengths. Damian is masterful at facilitating this learning. He provides a great combination of professional expertise/experience, relevant resources to augment the learning and integrates this with a very interactive learning experience.  The result is that I feel more intentional and competent in my role as coach. Thank you Damian”.

Barbara McMahon, PCC

Goldvarg Coaching Group

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