Mentor Coaching Competencies

Developed by Goldvarg Consulting Group, Inc.

  1. Mentor Coaching Agreement

Ability to clarify guidelines about the methodology and structure of the Mentor Coaching process in a group or individual format.

Behaviors associated

(a) Defines guidelines about the methodology and structure of the whole process of Mentor Coaching in oral and/or written form.

  1. b) Ensures that the coach has understood the agreement, both at the beginning and during the process.

(c) Clarifies expectations from the Coach and himself about the process. For example, asks which competencies the mentee wants to focus on in the feedback session.

  1. d) Recognizes when the learning process is stalled, explores the obstacles, and reformulates the agreement if necessary.

(e) Communicates professional and ethical standards of coaching and clarified doubts.

  1. f) Differentiates the roles of Mentor Coach, Coach, and Coaching Supervisor and acts accordingly.


  1. Development of the Mentor Coach-Coach relationship

Build a professional relationship with the Coach based on presence and confidence.

Behaviors associated

(a) Is confident in itself, Coach, and Mentor Coaching process.

(b) Encourages Coaches to express their ideas and emotions.

  1. c) Respects and appreciates the work of the Coach.

(d) Develops a relationship of equality among colleagues.

(e) Models and invites Coaches to be vulnerable exploring their successes, challenges, and areas for improvement.

(f) Is appreciative and supportive.

  1. g) Is present and flows with the Coach.


  1. Active listening

Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the Coach and recognize the presence of each competency.

Behaviors associated

(a) Listens to the presence of the markers from each of the competencies.

(b) Listens for the entire global competency, differentiating ACC, PCC, or MCC.

(c) Listens for the strengths and areas of growth and opportunity.

(d) Listens appreciatively, with positive expectations about the performance of the Coach.

(e) Identify the emotions of the Coach and used the emotional material to enrich learning.


4 Feedback

Ability to communicate effectively the areas of strengths and opportunities for improvement, using a language based on observed behaviors, creating a space of trust and mutual respect.

Behaviors associated

(a) Agrees on how the Coach wants to receive feedback.

(b) Gives feedback appreciatively, constructively, and sensitive to cultural differences.

(c) Creates a safe and reliable space for the delivery of feedback in a respectful, friendly tone, clear, and concise.

(d) Provide encouraging feedback, showing what the Coach was effective and corrective feedback on what can be even more effective or need to modify.

(e) Offers specific feedback, basing it on concrete behaviors and not on the “being” of the coach.


  1. Application of key competencies of the ICF model

Ability to know in depth the ICF Key Competencies Model and identify the presence or absence of corresponding behaviors.

Behaviors associated

(a) Learns about the behaviors associated with each of the eleven (11) Coaching competencies of the ICF Model.

(b) Differentiates behaviors at ACC, PCC, and MCC levels.

(c) Shows the Coach, based on competencies, the gap between the levels of proven ability and the next level required.

(c) Identifies the presence or absence of behaviors associated with each competency in the coaching sessions.

(d) Stays up-to-date on the continuous development of the competency model of the ICF.

  1. e) Knows various theoretical and applied models of



6. Learning Process

Ability to design, intervene and accompany the process of learning, facilitating the professional and personal growth of the Coach.

Behaviors associated

(a) Identifies the barriers to learning and capitalizes on them to enrich the process.

  1. c) Co-creates the process of learning with the coach, and explores expectations and preferences of coaching and learning styles.
  2. d) Stays focused on agreed outcomes for the Mentor Coaching process and for each session.

(e) Is aware of the style, culture, and language differences between the Coach and the client and between Coach and Mentor Coach.

  1. f) Recognizes and celebrates progress.
  2. g) Is innovative and designs educational changes in the facilitation of sessions.


7. Facilitation of Groups of Mentor Coaching

Ability to create a group learning space by creating an environment conducive to collaboration, commitment, trust and mutual respect.

Behaviors associated

(a) Develops rules of work with the group.

  1. b) Promotes the participation of all members and invites you to contribute to the silent members.

(c) Stimulates team spirit and the connection between the members.

(d) Intervenes when the feedback is aggressive or inappropriate among colleagues.


  1. Self-reflection

Ability to reflect on their performance, new learnings, successes, and difficulties in the work as a Mentor Coach.

Behaviors associated

(a) Is aware of “Who” is being as a Mentor Coach and his own emotional reactions.

(b) Asks for feedback and/or supervision about their performance.

(c) Takes time to reflect on their practice

  1. d) Promotes and maintains its relationship with other Mentor Coaches, open to the possibility of continuous learning and sharing of experiences.

Coaching Feedback form
