June 24, 2014, 5.00 PM PST
When we choose a life that steps us from the safety of the known to the bravery of the unknown, we need a strong foundation from which to take-off and fly.
And even if we’re not quite ready to lead that brave life we so crave, to build a rock solid and stable platform to begin believing it is possible, can be the catalyst for change.
SHED’s, an extremely simple yet foundational platform of daily enriching habits and rituals, creates the platform that readies and sustains us for anything we desire. The question that beggars answer from this great place is, “If I can do this every day, what else is possible in my world?” Simple answer – anything you desire and deserve.
And when life throws us the question – are you sure you want this, your SHED’s are there to vitalize and remind you of how committed you are to your best self – every day.
SHED’s are not goals or outcomes; they are life enriching daily rituals that:
- Create confidence
- Provide certainty
- Assist in the healing of physical, emotional and mental issues
- Empower possibility beyond imagination
- Taps into our full potential
- Re-ignite our deepest passions
- Reconnect us with our highest purpose
- Sharpen life direction and focus
- Facilitate real and sustainable success in any and all area of our lives.
Peter Barr is a Master Certified Coach, the current Treasurer for the ICF Global Board and have many years of experience as executive in the non profit sector. He wrote the book “Born Genius” that has been translated to Chinese.